Friday, March 29, 2013

Here We Gooooooo!

Quick post just before I leave.

We are able to go skiing today! We had a few options and decided to take a day trip! I woke up at 4am this morning. Our bus is leaving at 5:30! I am so SO excited to have such a great day!!

Just wanted to let you knows I still get to shred some slopes! : )

The French Alps

I had plans to go skiing this weekend in the French Alps with some friends. We found a great deal that included transportation, lodging, and lift passes but, around the resort it snowed a lot recently and the roads are closed so we can't go. There's too much snow.

Our ski trip is canceled. I'm pretty bummed because I have plans for my next few weekends so I'm not sure if we will be able to go or not.

I am going to try to find something fun to do this weekend to make up for our ski trip.

Good thing it is pastry Friday!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Marseille Half-Marathon

Yesterday I ran my ninth half-marathon! As I told you earlier, it was a little iffy if I was going to be able to run the race or not. I was so proud to have run this race especially because I almost couldn't do it!

I did my usual race routine, ate pasta the night before, went to bed early, woke up early, ate a banana, etc. A couple of my friends went to the race with me which made me SO happy. It was so great having them there even though it rained the whole time.

Since it rained all day Saturday and it rained all night the night before the race, the streets were a little bit wet... We came to a standstill at one point because the road was so narrow and it was flooded up ahead. We all waited in line to wade through huge puddles and mud. We were also running under overpasses a lot so the water from the overpasses was running off and we were running through all of the runoff from the overpasses.

 Strange thing about the half - the bibs were made of paper. Just what seemed like regular paper. So my bib started ripping half way through the race because it was so wet. I couldn't lose the bib because it had my time chip in it. That made things a little difficult because even when I stopped to fix it, the would rip again a mile or two down the road.

The course was absolutely stunning. We ran along the coast for awhile and the water was an icy blue while we were right next to the base of the mountains. I wish I had my camera because I was blown away by the view. I loved watching people's faces as they turned around and saw the mountains towering over us right next to the sea.

Overall I was thoroughly impressed with the race and it has been my favorite experience running a half! My time was unexpectedly great (1:58:30), the course was amazing, and I felt great the entire time! Considering how much training I did, this was not expected!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Pastry Friday!

Happy Pastry Friday, friends!

It has been a long week! I had two tests and a presentation. I was doing a lot of studying and getting ready for my race this weekend!

If you missed it in a previous post, I am running my 9th half-marathon this weekend in Marseille! There was a little hitch with that..

Wednesday night I found out I needed a medical certificate when I go to the Expo for the race. (An Expo is where you pick up your race packet, bib number, and there is anything and everything a runner could ever need - shoes, socks, clothes, running goodies/snacks. It's a dream.) In the US, usually you just need your confirmation and an I.D. Well in France is isn't like that.. You need to see a doctor before and get cleared to run to race.

This was unexpected! If I didn't get the form signed I technically wouldn't be able to run the race.. and I also would not get my race packet, bib number, t-shirt. But, I highly considered going to the race and running it anyways.

I went to a clinic in town this afternoon and waited for about an hour to see someone, then had a successful conversation with a doctor who looked a lot like Michael Phelps, he checked my blood pressure, signed the magic piece of paper and I was ready to go!

My friend Danielle went into Marseille with me to the Marathon Village and it was really neat to see how differently they do everything here in France. I may not like the way they do things because it might be a pain to me, but that is how it is. That is how their lives are, they are different. I am here to experience different things, and learn to appreciate these differences in their culture.

I had a great day with my French today and I am so excited to run my race on Sunday! I will post Sunday afternoon to let you know how it goes. If you are awake at 2am on Sunday morning, think of me because my race will be starting at 8am Sunday!

These Things Take Backbone

I've never been a huge fan of public speaking, but in France I have been doing more presentations and speeches than I did in the US!

Last Friday, I had to give an exposé on whatever I wanted and the time limit didn't matter. My immediate thought was, "You expect me to do this in a foreign language?" Indeed, that was the task at hand - to talk about whatever you wanted in French. I'll talk about whatever I want, but in French?

I underestimated myself just a little bit.

I decided to give my exposé on the good ole University of Tennessee at Knoxville. (Go Vols!)

I prepared my information and notes, and when the time actually came for me to get up in front of my classmates and tell them about my American university, I wasn't as terrified as I thought I would be. I understand the concept of it all. We have to be able to communicate our thoughts and paint a picture for other people in order to prove that we really do understand what we are learning. After all, that is why all of us are here, to learn to speak French.

My presentation turned out really well and eventually turned into a discussion. My classmates were very curious about my university and they asked me a lot of questions. It was a little nerve racking not knowing what they were going to ask me, but I really had no reason to worry. I understood everything they asked me and they understood my answers! (Which is probably the more important part.)

Sounds like my first presentation in French went pretty well, right?

Well there's a second one, and this one did not go as well.

I am taking a "simulation globale" class and we all have alternate identities. My name in class is Tolly Dupont and I am a "orthophoniste" or speech pathologist! My teacher picked a couple students to run for mayor. While she was drawing names, I had a sinking feeling and I just knew she was going to draw my name. Sure enough she did!

Over the next week, I prepared a little speech which included the three things I would do to try to make our village a better place. I planned to end hunger in our village, provide benefits for students, and improve the education of children in our village. When we did a mock press conference, my classmates asked me about social security.... animal rights..... and what I was going to do about the gap between the rich and the poor....

Needless to say, I was not prepared for any of that. After this little election, I was embarrassed and discouraged. It was my first 'low' of being here, and it wasn't fun.

After the weekend passed, I was done with my little pity party and now I am back on the horse ready for more and I have thrown myself into speaking French more and more every day since!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Winter Break Part 2 - Paris

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to do put this up! I had a busy week last week and a busy weekend as well.

Here's my adventure in Paris!

Ever since I took my first French class during my Sophomore year of high school, I have wanted to go to Paris. Ask anyone, it's been at the top of my bucket list for years.

My excitement to go to Paris and see The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, and so many other things was unfathomable. And when I experienced all of these things, it was perfect.

We left Barcelona early Wednesday morning, 6am to be exact. After sleeping in the airport that night, I do not remember any of the plane ride to Paris. I was out like a light the entire time. I kid you not, I do not remember taking off, being in the air, or landing.

We took a bus to Denfert-Rochereau where we rented a small studio apartment from someone for a couple days. We took a small nap then hit the streets of Paris!

Paris is overcast all the time, and the few days we were there it was freezing. FREEZING. We were using the toaster as a heater in this apartment we were in, as well as the actual heater.

Sidenote: I lived out of my backpack for 8 days. Wore the same jeans, same shoes, and did absolutely nothing with my hair except wash it for 8 days. It was such a huge learning experience. Paris was so cold, I was wearing every single shirt and sweater I brought in my backpack. This is not an exaggeration in the slightest!

Anywho, walking around Paris had me in a trance. I could not get it through my head that I was in Paris, France. Every corner we turned, I looked to see if I could see the Eiffel Tower. I was so eager to just catch a glimpse. Finally, we were about to cross the street and I looked up and gasped. Behind the low, old buildings of Paris, and behind the clouds was the Eiffel Tower. Below was my very first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower.
You can hardly tell, but it's there!

We also walked around and saw le Panthéon and la Sorbonne. La Sorbonne is a French Institute that a lot of international students can study. I had the option of studying there for a semester before I came to Aix, but opted not to. 

Wednesday was short day because we were all exhausted.

Thursday was a great day. We walked to la Tour Eiffel and I wish I had a picture of my face when I came around the corner and saw the whole tower for the first time. It was priceless. The whole city is priceless, it is beautiful.

I have heard and read plenty of things about Paris. It's dirty, the people are rude, Parisiennes don't like tourists, etc. But believe me, no one was rude, no one didn't like me because I was a tourist, and the city is as cluttered as any other. But by no means is it dirty. Maybe I was too memorized by the general splendor that I didn't even realize it. Who knows. 

I took so many pictures of the Eiffel Tower that after awhile I just put my camera and stopped. But took it out again moments later. I couldn't help myself! 

Thats just a little glimpse. : ) I took 1,103 pictures during my 8 day trip. What am I going to do during my 18 day vacation? 

After admiring the Eiffel Tower, we went the the Arc de Triomphe and walked up and down the Champs-Élysées which is a street in Paris lined with shops, cinemas, cafes, and "luxury specialty shops." Which brings me to another point.... We walked down this one street one night near Moulin Rouge and the stores we saw blew my mind. All on one street there was: Chanel, Givenchy, Hermes, Cartier, Dio, Versace, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin, and Valentino. It was a bit crazy. 

 My astronaut friend

On the Champs-Élysées there is a store called Laduree and they have the best macaroons in the WORLD. Literally. I think we waited in line for 30 minutes, but it was incredibly worth it. (More on that later.)

One of my favorite parts of Paris was that it was fashion week! I don't know a whole lot about fashion, but I do my best. Lemme tell ya, EVERY ONE is Paris looks like they walked right off the runway. It is easy to feel out of place in Paris because everyone looks so utterly fabulous, meanwhile I have been wearing the same clothes for the past days because it is freezing. There is a simple fix to this: Act like you just walked right off the runway too. Strut. 

If you ever go to Paris, remember this easy rules of:
How to Pretend to be Parisienne:
1. One must look warm. (Even if you are not indeed warm and the two pairs of socks you are wearing are not keeping your toes warm.) Fake it.
2. One must walk as though you too just exited the runway.
3.One must whisper. (The French always talk very quietly. Therefore, us Americans always seem to be yelling.)
4. One must not hesitate when crossing the street. If the light is red and you can go, go for it. (While also being careful.)
5. One must act like Paris is yours and no one elses. 
6. One must casually avoid stepping in dog poop everywhere you go.

Those are my rules for trying to blend in in Paris. 

Back to Thursday in Paris.  We stumbled upon a fashion show! Nina Ricci's fashion to be exact, but I have no idea who that is.There was a long white runway leading to a huge white tent. You needed an invitation to get into the tent but we could walk down the runway! The runway was lined with people with huge cameras. The clothes that the people wore walking down the runway were magnificent. They were just attending the fashion and they looked fabulous. If the people with cameras loved your outfit they would ask you to stop and pose for them. 

I walked down the runway, and no one stopped me to take my picture but it was one of the most fun things I have ever done! 

After we left the runway, we saw the Eiffel Tower in the distance. At night. I cried. I'm not kidding. Tears. It was so beautiful. I could not get enough. I love Paris. I love the Eiffel Tower. I love it all. 

Day #2 in Paris was incredibly successful. We finished it off by eating some macaroons! At Laduree, the macaroons I chose were vanilla, chestnut, chocolate with coconut, raspberry, Marie-Antoinette (lemon), and coffee!

I think it is safe to safe to say, I like macaroons.

Alright, so now that macaroons are my new favorite food group, it's time to tell you all about our Friday fun! 

Friday we wandered through Jardin du Luxembourg and then went to Notre Dame. Notre Dame is 850 years old this year and it was absolutely stunning!  

After the visited Notre Dame, we went to the Louvre. I know the Louvre is big. Huge, actually. I've heard it a thousand times. But, you really have no idea how big it is until you are lost inside of it. 

I cannot even begin to explain to you how MASSIVE this museum is. Good thing I had a map because I thought I was on the 1st floor when in reality I was on the -1st floor. (In France, the floor that you walk in on is the "rez-de-chaussée", the floor below that is -1, and the floor above the rez-de-chaussée is actually the 1st floor.) I have no idea how it even happened, but I was so lost.

A previous French professor of mine told me something very interesting. He does not remember the source so this may not be correct. BUT, just to give you an idea of how gargantuan this place is, think about this - 

The Louvre has 18% of it's art on display at all times. If you spent 1 minute in front of each piece that they on display if would take you 6 months to see everything in the museum. (Just the 18% that they have on display.)

Isn't that crazy!? 

You could spend a year in there and not be satisfied. I did see the Mona Lisa (or as the French call it, la Jaconde).  
Miss Mona Lisa

I absolutely loved the Louvre. It was so beautiful and I cannot wait to go back and spend all day there! (With sufficient snacks in my purse.) 

When we left the Louvre, I was watching the Eiffel Tower and I watched the lights come on! It was so magical. First it started off as a small glow and the lights came on all the way. I could have cried again. But that would have been a little dramatic. I couldn't help myself but take tons of pictures again. 

I promise you I just can't get enough! It is absolutely gorgeous and all that I have ever wanted (so far in my 20 years of living) 

Dreams really do come true! 

Saturday we woke up and went to the Eiffel Tower to pay the best 12.50 euros I have ever spent. I have seen hundreds of pictures of the Eiffel Tower, what it looks like from the top, and everywhere around it. It was absolutely amazing to me to see it in real life. It is all there, just like the pictures. 

Every time I look at the Eiffel Tower I am in awe. I love Paris and everything about it. I am very eager to go back and explore more parts of Paris and especially go to Versailles! When I go back I will be sure to post about it on here, and hopefully it won't take me over a week to do it.

Thank you so much for keeping up with my travels! I love being able to share all of this with you!!

If I am unclear about anything or confusing, let me know. I get a little carried away when I post on here sometimes!!!